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I have a dream

I have a dream
One World One Dream One Country One Dream
One Person One Dream
The world has a dream, that is all the people in the world live a peaceful and happy life.
China has a dream: that is all chinese people live a rich and colorful life.
I have a dream: that is I can show my talent and ability fully to all of you.

I have a dream you have a dream everybody has a beautiful dream.
I have my wonderful dream in my heart, I am trying my best to make my dream come true .
I hold my brighter future in my hands.
I hope you can give me your hands to help me to realize my dream.
It is well known that "A good man needs more friends to help to be a good man" I want to be a good man now, I need all of you to help me now.
My dream is to do myself the best.
My dream is to show that i am doing the best now
My dream is to show that our Chinese students are great in the world!
My dream is to dream for my dream!

作者:姜老师(684697)08-07-03 11:34回复此贴
Good dream!
作者:孙老师(733562)08-07-03 12:32回复此贴
Dream your dream.
作者:邓老师(195408)09-09-15 17:25回复此贴
- -建议修改一下副词部分。
作者:刘老师(405598)14-05-25 01:38回复此贴
共有回复3篇 1
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